EQM Direct Indexing Solutions

Offer personalization, tax management, and values-based customization.

Why Direct Indexing?

Direct indexing is a method of investing in indexes in which individual stocks are purchased at the same weights as the index. Purchasing individual stocks provides the opportunity for portfolio personalization and more favorable tax advantages, as opposed to a mutual fund or ETF.

Gain Targeted Exposure

Gain Targeted

Provides targeted
exposure to
investment themes
and specific market

Deliver Personalization


Customizable to
accommodate value-based
investing and
individual security and
sector exposures.

Manage Tax Outcomes

Manage Tax

Supports tax
techniques like tax-loss
harvesting, taxlots,
and holding
period considerations.

EQM Direct Index Solutions

Benefit from EQM Indexes research and knowledge with these innovative direct indexing solutions, featuring thematic market segments.

EQM Battery Tech &
EV Index

An index designed to give exposure to
US-traded companies associated with
the development, production and use of
lithium battery technology for electric
vehicles and clean energy solutions.

EQM Commodity Equity
Dividend Income Index

An index designed to generate high
income from dividends, special
dividends, and share repurchases
derived from US-traded global equity
positions in commodity related

EQM Emerging Markets
China Lite Index

An index designed to give exposure to
US-traded emerging market companies,
similar to the Texas Pension Fund
approach halving exposure to China.

Blockchain Defi Index

An index designed to provide exposure
to US-traded global companies deriving
revenue or investing in the blockchain
and decentralized finance ecosystem
or blockchain-enabled applications.

EQM Sun Energy Index

An index designed to give exposure to
US-traded companies deriving revenue
from solar-related business operations,
manufacturing and production.

EQM Direct Indexing Solutions are offered through:

SMArtX Advisory Solutions

SMArtX is a pioneering managed accounts technology platform and architect of the SMArtX turnkey asset management platform (TAMP).