3 Disruptive Plays In Online Retail Besides Amazon

This year’s Amazon (AMZN) Prime Day on July 11th set a company sales record, beating out both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In fact, Prime Day sales were higher than both those shopping days combined in 2016. Prime Day sales, which kicked off 30 hours of deals, were up 60% over last year’s results.

3 Disruptive Plays In Online Retail Besides Amazon2021-07-28T16:27:59+00:00

It’s Not Just Amazon: The Mass Disruption Of Retail

In case you haven't noticed, a massive disruption is occurring on retail. Traditional brick and mortar retailers are struggling not just to compete, but for their very survival. Many retailers have filed for bankruptcy or are on the verge.

It’s Not Just Amazon: The Mass Disruption Of Retail2021-07-28T19:00:19+00:00

The End Of Retail As We Know It

It is clearly evident that an increasing number of consumers are opting to shop online from the comfort of their homes and offices. Convenience, more competitive pricing and better selection-not to mention privacy when making discreet purchases-are touted as just a few of the reasons consumers are spending more time clicking online than physically going to stores.

The End Of Retail As We Know It2021-07-28T21:58:13+00:00

Augmented Reality: The Next Big Thing In Wearables

For Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), the enormous success of products like the iPhone and iPad is a tough act to follow. Given that fact, what next technology is Apple CEO Tim Cook the most excited about? The answer is augmented reality, or AR, which overlays images, video, and games over real world experiences.

Augmented Reality: The Next Big Thing In Wearables2021-07-28T21:49:39+00:00

Fitbit’s Quarter Does Not Signal The Demise Of Wearables Jane Edmondson

Fitbit (NYSE:FIT) stock has not had the greatest start to the year. The stock declined 18% in January and now hovers at around $6 per share. Compare that to its IPO price back in June of 2015 of $20 equating to an almost 80% drop in share price.

Fitbit’s Quarter Does Not Signal The Demise Of Wearables Jane Edmondson2021-07-28T22:10:11+00:00

Clicks Versus Bricks: Online Retail Killing It

Despite initial optimism for brick and mortar retail going into the holiday season, Macy's (NYSE:M) and Kohl's (NYSE:KSS) provided investors with fresh evidence that retail is in the midst of a digital disruption and transformation. Traditional brick and mortar retail is suffering and e-commerce is taking a bigger and bigger piece of the retail pie.

Clicks Versus Bricks: Online Retail Killing It2021-07-28T22:42:47+00:00
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